An ancient Greek poem tells the story of a hungry fox who sets out to catch a hedgehog for his dinner. The fox is cunning and plots many complex strategies to catch his unsuspecting victim, all in vain. Each time the wily fox slinks off rethinking and scheming until he devises his next trap, when yet again his plan is foiled due to the hedgehog's unfailing ability to curl himself into a spiny, impenetrable ball. The poem concludes that the fox knows many things but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
British philosopher Isaiah Berlin uses this idea to split the world’s thinkers into two groups, hedgehogs and foxes. The fox characterizes those who are constantly seeking new ideas and concepts. Hedgehogs are the slow and steady plodders, often overlooked and passed over for the more exciting fox whose brilliance is revered.
Berlin posits however, that the foxes' shrewd thinking becomes their downfall as their pursuit of multiple strategies results in scattered and unfocused planning, limiting ultimate achievement. He suggests that the hedgehogs' ability to do one thing well enables them to sharpen their focus leading to ultimate success.
Jim Collins uses this idea to develop his hedgehog concept, where he proposes that in business, the ability to do one thing well transforms companies from good to great.
In coaching, we extend this notion to individuals, helping them discover their personal hedgehog concept. The point at which your passions and strengths meet, is where you channel your energies if you want to maximize performance and reach your ideal results.
If you want to discover your ideal career you add the economic engine to the mix.
The reasoning is that if you do what you are good at, you will eventually lose interest if you are not passionate about it. If you do something you value but you are not good at, you will become demoralised as you experience failure. If you do something that you are both good at and passionate about, you will perform at the highest level as you do it well and with purpose.
This idea works well when choosing hobbies and vocational work.
However, if you are seeking an income you must also establish the market's ability and willingness to pay. We call this the economic engine.
We tend to find foxes more exciting but sometimes it pays to be a hedgehog.
What are you - fox or hedgehog?
Want to learn more?
If you would like to establish your personal or professional hedgehog concept contact me for a private consultation.
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