There is only one day left until we sign off 2018. Have you met your goals for this year?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.
If you have not achieved this year's goals, how can you do things differently next year and what is with our focus on goals anyway?
We are fueled by being fulfilled and constructive. When we are achieving, we are creating and to this effect we are emulating God and acting in our capacity as Imago Dei - created in God’s image. Touching the Divine is the highest human pleasure, which is why when we are productive, we feel alive.
We achieve growth through striving, generating a sense of happiness, which spills over into all areas of our life. Life has been compared to a descending escalator. If we don't constantly climb, we automatically fall. Since everything living either grows or dies, we either develop ourselves or stagnate.
Everything living is either growing or dying.
Whilst people are struggling to meet their financial or personal obligations, there may be little time to feel bored and unproductive; the goals, in this case, are in place for us. Those who are not kept busy by the financial struggle seek meaning in different directions. Some choose higher goals, becoming philanthropists and engaging in charitable works. Others may head towards a path of hedonism and self-destruction in their endless search for fun that they mistake for meaning.
In our need to fill ourselves, we can choose a life of purpose, or addictive behaviours. However, the trouble with the desperate need to indulge in perceived pleasures is that they deplete us instead of filling us. When choosing the most rewarding day you ever had, would you say it was a day filled with accomplishment and meaning or was it a day when you achieved nothing?
If you are ready to experience the true pleasure of knowing that you have expanded yourself as a person and are moving towards your potential it is time to make changes. The first step to meeting your goals is setting them.
You know that next year is coming - don't get caught unawares.
Learn how to set yourself goals that you will achieve in this clear and concise course introducing you to basic coaching skills that you will be able to implement immediately.